Massage has a huge impact not only on our body, but also on our psyche and emotions.
Properly made, it stimulates the conduction of stimuli to the nervous and muscular systems, and also stimulates the efficiency of other organs. With massage, we affect our well-being, emotional state, but above all, we can affect the areas of the body where emotions and stress are stored in the structure of the muscle. This is evidenced by increased muscle tone and a lively physical and emotional reaction when stimulating the muscle.
Through the massage, we remove the feeling of stress from the body, and also affect the mental and emotional state. In the long term, we are able to influence even the mental state of people with depression.
Massage is a mechanical stimulus that causes numerous local and general changes and reactions in the human body. It increases the temperature of tissues, improves the function of blood flow, and also increases the efficiency of the heart. It stimulates the central, peripheral and what we are most interested in the autonomic nervous system. Massage can be performed in many ways depending on what effect we want to achieve. We can influence the body in a relaxing, stimulating, stimulating and even destructive way in a positive sense. It is the demolition of a pathological pattern that negatively affects the psycho-physical condition of a person. In this case, the body experiences strong stimuli that reset the psyche through expression, the reproach of various emotional states in the form of laughter, crying, aggression, shivering, irritability, and even anger or irritation. Some patients get hot, stuffy, nauseous. This is often accompanied by a feeling of cold and convulsions appear at the end of the procedure. After this type of massage, we often deal with a big mental breakdown. Recovery after the procedure often requires a longer time, rest or drinking warm tea.
This reaction is related to the thermoregulatory function of the circulatory system, which is affected by the massage. The stimuli dosed during the massage cause an increase in blood flow through the skin vessels and then it is warm, and when these stimuli are gone, the heat is lost quickly, which is temporary because the thermoregulatory mechanism reacts quickly.
I come to the conclusion that all these reactions are a symptom of, among other things, deep energetic cleansing. During the massage, we stimulate corresponding areas of the brain that trigger such a response. I watch patients’ feelings with curiosity and support them in each of these reactions.